Banyamulenge people (Congolese Tutsis) around the world have just marked the forth anniversary of the Gatumba massacre, in which more than 160 Congolese "Banyamulenge" Tutsis were killed by FNL Burundian Hutus extremists, at a refugee camp only few miles from Bujumbura Capital city of Burundi while under the protection of the UNHCR.
Those living in North America, the commemoration was held in Houston, Texas. The Keynote speaker was Mr. Kadege, the former Vice President of Burundi who was the VP in 2004 when Banyamulenge were ruthlessly massacred on Burundian soil.
In Europe, the Commemoration was held in United Kingdom (UK),whereas other commemoration meetings were held in various places in Rwanda and Burundi. The common denominator them was urging message to bring those responsible for the genocide to justice.
"On this forth anniversary of this unspeakable atrocity, are must keep saying what we said previously that we have the moral obligation to not only honour the memory of our people who were killed for being what God created them to be-Tutsis, but also to demand justice for the perpetrators of this crime against humanity", said Akim Muhoza, editor in Chief of the Minembwe Journal.
Just a note of reminder: It was the night of 13th August 2004 when a group of Hutus and Congolese extremists entered the camp of Gatumba and started slaughtering defenseless women, children, elderly and refugee men, living 163 dead. Shortly after this massacre, the extremists burundian Hutu- rebel from Palipehutu-FNL (FNL) claimed responsibility, saying that they had no fear of being held to account because they had become "untouchable". Massacring Tutsis in that region has become a hobby for all Hutus extremists including some Congolese tribalists. They all aspire for this evil deed and pride themselves for continuing to kill more Tutsis without being held accountable.
What is even sad is the fact that those responsible for the massacre are still free and some of them are even among government officials in Burundi and Congo three years after having openly claimed responsibility. This is another clear evidence of UN's unnwillingness to render justice to Tutsi victims of these continous ethnic cleansing.
For the last 3 days all Banyamulenge people around the world, including survivors have been attending memorial service some publicly others privately.
Let us remember that what happened on August 13 was a genocide, a continued genocide of Tutsis, another phase of Hutu extremists preying on lives of Tutsis enjoying the impunity by the international community. As though that was not enough, more killings of Banyamulenge are being carried out by DRCongolese army even as we commemorate the third anniversary of Gatumba genocide.
It is totally unacceptable to see that three years after the massacre nothing has been done, and that the same ethen cleansing is still being carried out while the world is once again silent about it.
Make no mistake, Agathon Rwasa and Pasteur Habimana both Hutu extremists leaders of FNL will one day be arrested for this crime that they themselves claimed responsibility.
We will continue demanding that justice be done, and one day nature will sooner or later bring that so much needed justice. Until then, we have to keep pressing for it.
Long live Banyamulenge
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Kuva kuri uyu wa kane taliki 14.08.2008 kugeza Dimanche 17.082008 kuri Paroisse y"ADEPR Gitarama ho mu karere ka Muhanga Province du Sud ,harabera UMUKUTANO mu nini uhuje abantu bahoze bakorera ABELA -Fizi ndetse n"ababafashaga
Nkuko umwe wadushakishije uri mu barikuyitegura, ngo Intego nyamukuru ni ukwibuka Imirimo y"Imana yakorewe ABELA no gukora ibishoboka umurimo ugakomeza
Haje abantu benshi baturutse Kongo barimo ababembe n"abanyamuLenge
Ikintu uwatumenyesheje iyo nkuru asanga ari gishyashya ,ni uko Abantu bose bo mu Madini yose batumiwe ntawe uhejwe
Ikindi ngo abakozi b"Imana bose baguye Kongo muri izi ntambara babazirikana kimwe
Bukuru Ntwari
Nkuko umwe wadushakishije uri mu barikuyitegura, ngo Intego nyamukuru ni ukwibuka Imirimo y"Imana yakorewe ABELA no gukora ibishoboka umurimo ugakomeza
Haje abantu benshi baturutse Kongo barimo ababembe n"abanyamuLenge
Ikintu uwatumenyesheje iyo nkuru asanga ari gishyashya ,ni uko Abantu bose bo mu Madini yose batumiwe ntawe uhejwe
Ikindi ngo abakozi b"Imana bose baguye Kongo muri izi ntambara babazirikana kimwe
Bukuru Ntwari
Thursday, August 7, 2008
ICC Prosecutor presents case against Sudanese President:SHOULD THIS BE A LESSON FOR SANTOS AND MASUNZU?
For those Congolese War lords, accused of crime against humanity it may be a matter of time before they are captured. Please read the following article published by the International Criminal Court:
ICC Prosecutor presents case against Sudanese President, Hassan Ahmad AL BASHIR, for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur.
The Hague, 14 July 2008
ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo has presented evidence today showing that Sudanese President, Omar Hassan Ahmad AL BASHIR committed the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur.
Three years after the Security Council requested him to investigate in Darfur, and based on the evidence collected, the Prosecutor has concluded there are reasonable grounds to believe that Omar Hassan Ahmad AL BASHIR bears criminal responsibility in relation to 10 counts of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
The Prosecution evidence shows that Al Bashir masterminded and implemented a plan to destroy in substantial part the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa groups, on account of their ethnicity. Members of the three groups, historically influential in Darfur, were challenging the marginalization of the province; they engaged in a rebellion. AL BASHIR failed to defeat the armed movements, so he went after the people. “His motives were largely political. His alibi was a ‘counterinsurgency.’ His intent was genocide. ” The Prosecutor said.
For over 5 years, armed forces and the Militia/Janjaweed, on AL BASHIR orders, have attacked and destroyed villages. They then pursued the survivors in the desert. Those who reached the camps for the displaced people were subjected to conditions calculated to bring about their destruction. AL BASHIR obstructs international assistance. His forces surround the camps. One victim said: “When we see them, we run. Some of us succeed in getting away, and some are caught and taken to be raped -- gang-raped. Maybe around 20 men rape one woman. […] These things are normal for us here in Darfur. These things happen all the time. I have seen rapes too. It does not matter who sees them raping the women -- they don't care. They rape girls in front of their mothers and fathers”.
For over 5 years, millions of civilians have been uprooted from lands they occupied for centuries, all their means of survival destroyed, their land spoliated and inhabited by new settlers. ‘In the camps AL BASHIR’s forces kill the men and rape the women. He wants to end the history of the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa people’ said the Prosecutor. ‘I don’t have the luxury to look away. I have evidence’.
For over 5 years, AL BASHIR has denied the crimes. He says rape does not exist in the Sudan. This is a fabrication. “By preventing the truth about the crimes from being revealed; concealing his crimes under the guise of a ‘counterinsurgency strategy’, or ‘inter tribal clashes’, or the ‘actions of lawless autonomous militia’, AL BASHIR made possible the commission of further crimes. He promoted and provided impunity to his subordinates in order to secure their willingness to commit genocide” The Prosecutor said.
Al BASHIR’s intent to commit genocide became clear with the well coordinated attacks on the 2.450.000 civilians who found a haven in the camps. “AL BASHIR organized the destitution, insecurity and harassment of the survivors. He did not need bullets. He used other weapons: rapes, hunger, and fear. As efficient, but silent.” Said the Prosecutor.
Today, the evidence shows that AL BASHIR, instead of assisting the people of Darfur, has mobilised the entire state apparatus, including the armed forces, the intelligence services, the diplomatic and public information bureaucracies, and the justice system, to subject the 2.450.000 people living in IDP’s camps, most of them members of the target group, to conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction.
“AL BASHIR is the President. He is the Commander in Chief. Those are not just formal words. He used the whole state apparatus, he used the army, he enrolled the Militia/Janjaweed. They all report to him, they all obey him. His control is absolute.” added Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo.
The Pre-Trial Chamber I will now review the evidence. If the judges determine that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the named individual committed the alleged crimes, they will decide on the best manner to ensure his appearance in court. The Prosecution has requested an arrest warrant.
Summary of the Case: Prosecutor’s Application for Warrant of Arrest under Article 58 Against Omar Hassan Ahmad AL BASHIR
Prosecutor's Statement on the Prosecutor's Application for a warrant of Arrest under Article 58 Against Omar Hassan Ahmad AL BASHIR
The Hague
ICC Prosecutor presents case against Sudanese President, Hassan Ahmad AL BASHIR, for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur.
The Hague, 14 July 2008
ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo has presented evidence today showing that Sudanese President, Omar Hassan Ahmad AL BASHIR committed the crimes of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes in Darfur.
Three years after the Security Council requested him to investigate in Darfur, and based on the evidence collected, the Prosecutor has concluded there are reasonable grounds to believe that Omar Hassan Ahmad AL BASHIR bears criminal responsibility in relation to 10 counts of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.
The Prosecution evidence shows that Al Bashir masterminded and implemented a plan to destroy in substantial part the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa groups, on account of their ethnicity. Members of the three groups, historically influential in Darfur, were challenging the marginalization of the province; they engaged in a rebellion. AL BASHIR failed to defeat the armed movements, so he went after the people. “His motives were largely political. His alibi was a ‘counterinsurgency.’ His intent was genocide. ” The Prosecutor said.
For over 5 years, armed forces and the Militia/Janjaweed, on AL BASHIR orders, have attacked and destroyed villages. They then pursued the survivors in the desert. Those who reached the camps for the displaced people were subjected to conditions calculated to bring about their destruction. AL BASHIR obstructs international assistance. His forces surround the camps. One victim said: “When we see them, we run. Some of us succeed in getting away, and some are caught and taken to be raped -- gang-raped. Maybe around 20 men rape one woman. […] These things are normal for us here in Darfur. These things happen all the time. I have seen rapes too. It does not matter who sees them raping the women -- they don't care. They rape girls in front of their mothers and fathers”.
For over 5 years, millions of civilians have been uprooted from lands they occupied for centuries, all their means of survival destroyed, their land spoliated and inhabited by new settlers. ‘In the camps AL BASHIR’s forces kill the men and rape the women. He wants to end the history of the Fur, Masalit and Zaghawa people’ said the Prosecutor. ‘I don’t have the luxury to look away. I have evidence’.
For over 5 years, AL BASHIR has denied the crimes. He says rape does not exist in the Sudan. This is a fabrication. “By preventing the truth about the crimes from being revealed; concealing his crimes under the guise of a ‘counterinsurgency strategy’, or ‘inter tribal clashes’, or the ‘actions of lawless autonomous militia’, AL BASHIR made possible the commission of further crimes. He promoted and provided impunity to his subordinates in order to secure their willingness to commit genocide” The Prosecutor said.
Al BASHIR’s intent to commit genocide became clear with the well coordinated attacks on the 2.450.000 civilians who found a haven in the camps. “AL BASHIR organized the destitution, insecurity and harassment of the survivors. He did not need bullets. He used other weapons: rapes, hunger, and fear. As efficient, but silent.” Said the Prosecutor.
Today, the evidence shows that AL BASHIR, instead of assisting the people of Darfur, has mobilised the entire state apparatus, including the armed forces, the intelligence services, the diplomatic and public information bureaucracies, and the justice system, to subject the 2.450.000 people living in IDP’s camps, most of them members of the target group, to conditions of life calculated to bring about their physical destruction.
“AL BASHIR is the President. He is the Commander in Chief. Those are not just formal words. He used the whole state apparatus, he used the army, he enrolled the Militia/Janjaweed. They all report to him, they all obey him. His control is absolute.” added Prosecutor Moreno-Ocampo.
The Pre-Trial Chamber I will now review the evidence. If the judges determine that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the named individual committed the alleged crimes, they will decide on the best manner to ensure his appearance in court. The Prosecution has requested an arrest warrant.
Summary of the Case: Prosecutor’s Application for Warrant of Arrest under Article 58 Against Omar Hassan Ahmad AL BASHIR
Prosecutor's Statement on the Prosecutor's Application for a warrant of Arrest under Article 58 Against Omar Hassan Ahmad AL BASHIR
The Hague
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Byatangiye mwi’ijoro ry’akane le 04/09/08. Muri iryo joro haje abantu bitwaje intwaro mumuhana w’abapfurero mu Biziba bya ruguru. Basohora umugabo w’umunyintu utuye mubapfurero witw KANDERE, baramurasa. En presence ya Chef de village w’umupfurero. uwo nyakwigendera ngo ni mwene se wabo na Commandant wa ba Mai witwa Col. Mulumba. Bukeye, abapfurero baja kurega muri ba MAIMAI, haza ingabo z’uwo MULUMBA, ziyobowe n’uwitwa Major HURUMA, ariwe wungirije Mulumba, ngo baje guhorera mwene wabo. Kuko abapfurero bavugaga ko ayo mabandi yishe umuntu yari Abanyamurenge.
Mwijoro ry’agatanu le 05 na sa mbili, batera mugahana kitwa GASOLOKOCHI, k’abanyamurenge kari hamwe na Biziba byepfo. Abaturage bashobora kwirwanaho, bahungisha imiryango, bashobora no ku repoussa ba Mai, basubira inyuma. Ubwo hakomereka umwana w’umusore witwa MUSEVENI wa Bucanayandi wa Kaziri w’Abanyabyinshi, akomereka kw’ino rinini ry’ibumoso cane muburyo rishobora kuva ho.
Bukeye mugitondo cy’iposho, murukerera, bamayi baragaruka de force, barongera bararwana n’abaturage, bica umugabo witwa NDASUNIKWA wa GIPIGA w’abasama wo mu Biziba, hakomereka umugabo witwa MANASI wa Byicaza w’abasinzira b’abavugwa. Bamurasa mukibero igufwa riracika. Ubwo nanone wa mu major Huruma nawe ahasiga ubuzima. Muri ico gitondo ingabo za reta ziyobowe n’uwitwa KASA zari zahageze ariko zihabwa Oder yo kutarasa. Ubwo bwose harwana ga abaturage bonyine. Abantu bamaze gupfa bamai basubira inyuma baja mumarango yitwa Gihuha, ari hejuru ya Kiziba. Ubwo ingabo za reta ziratabara ariko zitarasa, zishize imbere imishikirano. Bavuga ko mungabo za reta hari mo un Major w’umupfurero ariwe ugerageza ku jouer l’intermédiaire, akagera muri camps ya mai akongera akagaruka.
Ubu imirwano irahagaze.
Ubu comunication ya hano imuhira no mubiraro iri coupée. Ibyo bibaye mugihe inka zose zikiri mururenge. Ntamuntu uva yo ntawe uja yo.
IBIHUHA : Hari amakuru avuga ko hari abantu 2 bari bavuye mubiraro muri direction ya Milimba bafashwe na ba Mai. Andi makuru avuga ko aba BEMBE bohereje message ivuga ko bo badafatikanyije n’abo bateye. Précisons que abo bateye ari abapfurero.
Twizere ko iyo mishikirano igera kukintu, si non on peut s’attendre à une catastrophe humanitaire et à des dégâts matériels énormes.
Mwijoro ry’agatanu le 05 na sa mbili, batera mugahana kitwa GASOLOKOCHI, k’abanyamurenge kari hamwe na Biziba byepfo. Abaturage bashobora kwirwanaho, bahungisha imiryango, bashobora no ku repoussa ba Mai, basubira inyuma. Ubwo hakomereka umwana w’umusore witwa MUSEVENI wa Bucanayandi wa Kaziri w’Abanyabyinshi, akomereka kw’ino rinini ry’ibumoso cane muburyo rishobora kuva ho.
Bukeye mugitondo cy’iposho, murukerera, bamayi baragaruka de force, barongera bararwana n’abaturage, bica umugabo witwa NDASUNIKWA wa GIPIGA w’abasama wo mu Biziba, hakomereka umugabo witwa MANASI wa Byicaza w’abasinzira b’abavugwa. Bamurasa mukibero igufwa riracika. Ubwo nanone wa mu major Huruma nawe ahasiga ubuzima. Muri ico gitondo ingabo za reta ziyobowe n’uwitwa KASA zari zahageze ariko zihabwa Oder yo kutarasa. Ubwo bwose harwana ga abaturage bonyine. Abantu bamaze gupfa bamai basubira inyuma baja mumarango yitwa Gihuha, ari hejuru ya Kiziba. Ubwo ingabo za reta ziratabara ariko zitarasa, zishize imbere imishikirano. Bavuga ko mungabo za reta hari mo un Major w’umupfurero ariwe ugerageza ku jouer l’intermédiaire, akagera muri camps ya mai akongera akagaruka.
Ubu imirwano irahagaze.
Ubu comunication ya hano imuhira no mubiraro iri coupée. Ibyo bibaye mugihe inka zose zikiri mururenge. Ntamuntu uva yo ntawe uja yo.
IBIHUHA : Hari amakuru avuga ko hari abantu 2 bari bavuye mubiraro muri direction ya Milimba bafashwe na ba Mai. Andi makuru avuga ko aba BEMBE bohereje message ivuga ko bo badafatikanyije n’abo bateye. Précisons que abo bateye ari abapfurero.
Twizere ko iyo mishikirano igera kukintu, si non on peut s’attendre à une catastrophe humanitaire et à des dégâts matériels énormes.
Minembwe Sept 08, 2008
Another Congolese rebel group, a wing of Mai Mai group from the Banyindu tribe is apparently determined to carry out the attack against the defenceless Banyamulenge population living in Rugezi area in the denied territory of Minembwe.
Our source indicate that this armed group, have shot several civilians in the last week. Banyamulenge people continue to be the most targeted civilian population in the Eastern Kivu, and in the entire country for that matter. One might wonder for how long this atrocious attacks on civilians are going to go on.
The report from this most fought-over areas of the countryside and interviews with peasants and army officers there indicated that the killings are part of an increasingly bitter government politics against the Banyamulenge people by the Congolese government.
Every time the Banyamulenge refugees in the bordering countries appear to be trying to return to their country in significant numbers, the army or government supported militia such as Mayi Mayi increase their hostilities and deploy their troops in areas once controlled by the Banyamulenge rebel group, whose main purpose was to safeguard the local population against evaders.
It is important to state that the popularity of the government soldiers in Minembwe has been waning due to the fact that these soldiers are grossly violating the human rights of the entire population including but not limited to women violence, lootings and stealing.
Both the rebels and the government army now appear once again determined to incite another violence and conflict by attacking the Banyamulenge civilians.
It has been six months since the civilians and some individual government soldiers gave warnings that another wave of war against Banyamulenge is being prepared by both the Mayi Mayi and the government soldiers. This is the dawn of the final stage in the execution of the dangerous government orchestrated plan to massacre Banyamulenge.
In the recent cases of provacation, a number of government soldier summarily raped women, and shot six innocent civilians near the attacked villages, while the MONUC, the so called UN peace keepers watch in indifference as usual. When the perpetrators of those atrocious crimes were forcefully brought to justice by the families of the victims, the so called government’s justice system refused any effort to hold a trial or even give a warning to its numerous perpetrators of sexual violence.
The sexual violence and killings of innocent civilians appear to be among the most severe human rights violations by the members of government army and supported groups in the war against Banyamulenge people. The victims included many women, all of whom had been raped, assassinated civilians and the entire population that continues to live under a yoke of fear and oppression.
Another Congolese rebel group, a wing of Mai Mai group from the Banyindu tribe is apparently determined to carry out the attack against the defenceless Banyamulenge population living in Rugezi area in the denied territory of Minembwe.
Our source indicate that this armed group, have shot several civilians in the last week. Banyamulenge people continue to be the most targeted civilian population in the Eastern Kivu, and in the entire country for that matter. One might wonder for how long this atrocious attacks on civilians are going to go on.
The report from this most fought-over areas of the countryside and interviews with peasants and army officers there indicated that the killings are part of an increasingly bitter government politics against the Banyamulenge people by the Congolese government.
Every time the Banyamulenge refugees in the bordering countries appear to be trying to return to their country in significant numbers, the army or government supported militia such as Mayi Mayi increase their hostilities and deploy their troops in areas once controlled by the Banyamulenge rebel group, whose main purpose was to safeguard the local population against evaders.
It is important to state that the popularity of the government soldiers in Minembwe has been waning due to the fact that these soldiers are grossly violating the human rights of the entire population including but not limited to women violence, lootings and stealing.
Both the rebels and the government army now appear once again determined to incite another violence and conflict by attacking the Banyamulenge civilians.
It has been six months since the civilians and some individual government soldiers gave warnings that another wave of war against Banyamulenge is being prepared by both the Mayi Mayi and the government soldiers. This is the dawn of the final stage in the execution of the dangerous government orchestrated plan to massacre Banyamulenge.
In the recent cases of provacation, a number of government soldier summarily raped women, and shot six innocent civilians near the attacked villages, while the MONUC, the so called UN peace keepers watch in indifference as usual. When the perpetrators of those atrocious crimes were forcefully brought to justice by the families of the victims, the so called government’s justice system refused any effort to hold a trial or even give a warning to its numerous perpetrators of sexual violence.
The sexual violence and killings of innocent civilians appear to be among the most severe human rights violations by the members of government army and supported groups in the war against Banyamulenge people. The victims included many women, all of whom had been raped, assassinated civilians and the entire population that continues to live under a yoke of fear and oppression.
Minembwe, Aug. 25th, 2008
Il nous faut plaisir d’annoncer une nouvelle encouragéante des écoles des hauts-plateaux d’Itombwe, participants a` l’Examen d’Etat année scolaire 2007-2008 qui ont marquées quand meme une grande difference comparativement d’autres écoles traditionellements privilegiée de la region.
Les hauts plateaux d’Itombwe dans le territoire de Minembwe/ Mulenge était représenté aux examens d’Etat par les écoles ci-aprés:
Institut de Minembwe, Institut Furaha de Kabara, Institut Bijombo, Institute Wanainchi de Kagogo, Institut de Rurambo, Institut Bikuba, Institut Nyamibungu (Milemba?)
Voici les resultats de chaque institute:
Quand on compare les instituts de Minembwe, de Kagogo, Kabara, Rurambo qui ont tous plus de dix resussites aux instituts tels que DU LAC MBOKO 9, MWENGA 2 LUBERIZI 5 ou AMANI de Fizi 2, on se rend compte que nos écoles ont plus de potentialités.
Au nom du journal Minembwe, je lance un appel a` toute la communauté Banyamulenge en exile et au diaspora d’aider nos enfants qui étudient encore dans nos villages afin de mettre en avant certaines préocupations communes à tous. Nous pouvons tous ensemble intervenir dans la facon suivante:
- Réconforcement des infrastructure scolaire: Ceci demande le rôle de la communauté dans le système éducatif dont elle est la clé de voute. Les écoles de Mulenge ne reussiront pas sans un appui inconditionnel de nous tous, comme acteurs de développement de Mulenge. La participation de la communauté est un prérequis à la réalisation de cet
- Le Développement d’un curriculum local flexible et adaptaptable à la
réalité de l’école et de sa region: Non seulement nos écoles manquent des matériaux pédagogiques de base tels que les livres et autres documents éducatifs, le curriculum dont on utilise est dépassé et a besoin d’etre mis en page. Un nouveau curriculum va aussi réconcilier les parents avec le système éducatif et aller dans le sens d’une école toujours plus inclusive.
- Renforcer l’état financiel et academic de l’enseignant: Je crois que nous connaissons tous l’ensemble des attentes qui pèsent sur l’enseignant Congolais sans pour autant que des moyens suffisants soient mis à sa disposition. Toute tenative de réformes, toute volonté de changement dans le domaine de l’éducation nécéssitent un personnel enseignant motivé, bien formé et conscient de l’importance de son rôle. Or, l’enseigant de Mulenge et du Congo en general manque souvent de moyens financiers ( travailler sans payment, carence au niveau de la formation, manque de matériel pédagogique, classes surchargées, etc.) et les responsabilités qui lui sont confiés sont au-delà du domaine du possible. Notre minimum contribution pourra s’agir comme prime.
Félicitation aux jeunes nouveaux diplomés de Mulenge!!!!
Veuillez svp nous faire parvenir vos idées sur cet initiative.
Minembwe, Aug. 25th, 2008
Il nous faut plaisir d’annoncer une nouvelle encouragéante des écoles des hauts-plateaux d’Itombwe, participants a` l’Examen d’Etat année scolaire 2007-2008 qui ont marquées quand meme une grande difference comparativement d’autres écoles traditionellements privilegiée de la region.
Les hauts plateaux d’Itombwe dans le territoire de Minembwe/ Mulenge était représenté aux examens d’Etat par les écoles ci-aprés:
Institut de Minembwe, Institut Furaha de Kabara, Institut Bijombo, Institute Wanainchi de Kagogo, Institut de Rurambo, Institut Bikuba, Institut Nyamibungu (Milemba?)
Voici les resultats de chaque institute:
Quand on compare les instituts de Minembwe, de Kagogo, Kabara, Rurambo qui ont tous plus de dix resussites aux instituts tels que DU LAC MBOKO 9, MWENGA 2 LUBERIZI 5 ou AMANI de Fizi 2, on se rend compte que nos écoles ont plus de potentialités.
Au nom du journal Minembwe, je lance un appel a` toute la communauté Banyamulenge en exile et au diaspora d’aider nos enfants qui étudient encore dans nos villages afin de mettre en avant certaines préocupations communes à tous. Nous pouvons tous ensemble intervenir dans la facon suivante:
- Réconforcement des infrastructure scolaire: Ceci demande le rôle de la communauté dans le système éducatif dont elle est la clé de voute. Les écoles de Mulenge ne reussiront pas sans un appui inconditionnel de nous tous, comme acteurs de développement de Mulenge. La participation de la communauté est un prérequis à la réalisation de cet
- Le Développement d’un curriculum local flexible et adaptaptable à la
réalité de l’école et de sa region: Non seulement nos écoles manquent des matériaux pédagogiques de base tels que les livres et autres documents éducatifs, le curriculum dont on utilise est dépassé et a besoin d’etre mis en page. Un nouveau curriculum va aussi réconcilier les parents avec le système éducatif et aller dans le sens d’une école toujours plus inclusive.
- Renforcer l’état financiel et academic de l’enseignant: Je crois que nous connaissons tous l’ensemble des attentes qui pèsent sur l’enseignant Congolais sans pour autant que des moyens suffisants soient mis à sa disposition. Toute tenative de réformes, toute volonté de changement dans le domaine de l’éducation nécéssitent un personnel enseignant motivé, bien formé et conscient de l’importance de son rôle. Or, l’enseigant de Mulenge et du Congo en general manque souvent de moyens financiers ( travailler sans payment, carence au niveau de la formation, manque de matériel pédagogique, classes surchargées, etc.) et les responsabilités qui lui sont confiés sont au-delà du domaine du possible. Notre minimum contribution pourra s’agir comme prime.
Félicitation aux jeunes nouveaux diplomés de Mulenge!!!!
Veuillez svp nous faire parvenir vos idées sur cet initiative.
Minembwe, Aug. 25th, 2008
Il nous faut plaisir d’annoncer une nouvelle encouragéante des écoles des hauts-plateaux d’Itombwe, participants a` l’Examen d’Etat année scolaire 2007-2008 qui ont marquées quand meme une grande difference comparativement d’autres écoles traditionellements privilegiée de la region.
Les hauts plateaux d’Itombwe dans le territoire de Minembwe/ Mulenge était représenté aux examens d’Etat par les écoles ci-aprés:
Institut de Minembwe, Institut Furaha de Kabara, Institut Bijombo, Institute Wanainchi de Kagogo, Institut de Rurambo, Institut Bikuba, Institut Nyamibungu (Milemba?)
Voici les resultats de chaque institute:
Quand on compare les instituts de Minembwe, de Kagogo, Kabara, Rurambo qui ont tous plus de dix resussites aux instituts tels que DU LAC MBOKO 9, MWENGA 2 LUBERIZI 5 ou AMANI de Fizi 2, on se rend compte que nos écoles ont plus de potentialités.
Au nom du journal Minembwe, je lance un appel a` toute la communauté Banyamulenge en exile et au diaspora d’aider nos enfants qui étudient encore dans nos villages afin de mettre en avant certaines préocupations communes à tous. Nous pouvons tous ensemble intervenir dans la facon suivante:
- Réconforcement des infrastructure scolaire: Ceci demande le rôle de la communauté dans le système éducatif dont elle est la clé de voute. Les écoles de Mulenge ne reussiront pas sans un appui inconditionnel de nous tous, comme acteurs de développement de Mulenge. La participation de la communauté est un prérequis à la réalisation de cet
- Le Développement d’un curriculum local flexible et adaptaptable à la
réalité de l’école et de sa region: Non seulement nos écoles manquent des matériaux pédagogiques de base tels que les livres et autres documents éducatifs, le curriculum dont on utilise est dépassé et a besoin d’etre mis en page. Un nouveau curriculum va aussi réconcilier les parents avec le système éducatif et aller dans le sens d’une école toujours plus inclusive.
- Renforcer l’état financiel et academic de l’enseignant: Je crois que nous connaissons tous l’ensemble des attentes qui pèsent sur l’enseignant Congolais sans pour autant que des moyens suffisants soient mis à sa disposition. Toute tenative de réformes, toute volonté de changement dans le domaine de l’éducation nécéssitent un personnel enseignant motivé, bien formé et conscient de l’importance de son rôle. Or, l’enseigant de Mulenge et du Congo en general manque souvent de moyens financiers ( travailler sans payment, carence au niveau de la formation, manque de matériel pédagogique, classes surchargées, etc.) et les responsabilités qui lui sont confiés sont au-delà du domaine du possible. Notre minimum contribution pourra s’agir comme prime.
Félicitation aux jeunes nouveaux diplomés de Mulenge!!!!
Veuillez svp nous faire parvenir vos idées sur cet initiative.
Minembwe, Aug. 25th, 2008
Il nous faut plaisir d’annoncer une nouvelle encouragéante des écoles des hauts-plateaux d’Itombwe, participants a` l’Examen d’Etat année scolaire 2007-2008 qui ont marquées quand meme une grande difference comparativement d’autres écoles traditionellements privilegiée de la region.
Les hauts plateaux d’Itombwe dans le territoire de Minembwe/ Mulenge était représenté aux examens d’Etat par les écoles ci-aprés:
Institut de Minembwe, Institut Furaha de Kabara, Institut Bijombo, Institute Wanainchi de Kagogo, Institut de Rurambo, Institut Bikuba, Institut Nyamibungu (Milemba?)
Voici les resultats de chaque institute:
Quand on compare les instituts de Minembwe, de Kagogo, Kabara, Rurambo qui ont tous plus de dix resussites aux instituts tels que DU LAC MBOKO 9, MWENGA 2 LUBERIZI 5 ou AMANI de Fizi 2, on se rend compte que nos écoles ont plus de potentialités.
Au nom du journal Minembwe, je lance un appel a` toute la communauté Banyamulenge en exile et au diaspora d’aider nos enfants qui étudient encore dans nos villages afin de mettre en avant certaines préocupations communes à tous. Nous pouvons tous ensemble intervenir dans la facon suivante:
- Réconforcement des infrastructure scolaire: Ceci demande le rôle de la communauté dans le système éducatif dont elle est la clé de voute. Les écoles de Mulenge ne reussiront pas sans un appui inconditionnel de nous tous, comme acteurs de développement de Mulenge. La participation de la communauté est un prérequis à la réalisation de cet
- Le Développement d’un curriculum local flexible et adaptaptable à la
réalité de l’école et de sa region: Non seulement nos écoles manquent des matériaux pédagogiques de base tels que les livres et autres documents éducatifs, le curriculum dont on utilise est dépassé et a besoin d’etre mis en page. Un nouveau curriculum va aussi réconcilier les parents avec le système éducatif et aller dans le sens d’une école toujours plus inclusive.
- Renforcer l’état financiel et academic de l’enseignant: Je crois que nous connaissons tous l’ensemble des attentes qui pèsent sur l’enseignant Congolais sans pour autant que des moyens suffisants soient mis à sa disposition. Toute tenative de réformes, toute volonté de changement dans le domaine de l’éducation nécéssitent un personnel enseignant motivé, bien formé et conscient de l’importance de son rôle. Or, l’enseigant de Mulenge et du Congo en general manque souvent de moyens financiers ( travailler sans payment, carence au niveau de la formation, manque de matériel pédagogique, classes surchargées, etc.) et les responsabilités qui lui sont confiés sont au-delà du domaine du possible. Notre minimum contribution pourra s’agir comme prime.
Félicitation aux jeunes nouveaux diplomés de Mulenge!!!!
Veuillez svp nous faire parvenir vos idées sur cet initiative.
Nshuti Banyamulenge, nkuko twabibabwiye ubushize, ya CD ubu yasohotse. Ni ubwambere mu mateka yacu habaho indirimbo dushobora kwita " Z'Imurenge". Iyo CD yitwa " TUBIBUKE" ahanini iribanda ku kwibuka abacu twabuze. Dore incamake yizo ndirimbo ndirimbo
1. Tubibuke: iyi ndirimbo ivuga ahantu presque hose abantu bacu bagiye bagwa, kuva Bibogobogo, Kalemie, kin, kassai, ....Kugeza kubwicanyi ndengakamera bwa gatumba.
2. Humura: iyi ndirimbo iratanga ihumure. Harimo izina rya NYIRAMITAVU ni izina twahisemo ri symboliser bashikibacu ndetse na ba mama. Turabahumuriza kubwibibazo batewe n'intambara.
3. Intwari z'Iwacu: Iyi ndirimbo iravuga ibigwi by'abana bacu bazize kwitangira ubwoko mubyukuri kudataka abasore bacu, kutabashimira, kutabavuga, byaba ari ukuba indashima. Iyi ndirimbo rero irabashima imisozi bazamutse, abantu babohoje...Bref, iraha icyubahiro abasore bacu nkuko mwese mubazi. Twashatse kugira ngo tuvuge amazina yabo yose, dusanga hari ayo tutabona, so ibi bizaba muri next project, aho tuzasaba buri wese kudufasha mukwibukanya abana bacu b'Intwari twaririmba tugahora tubibuka.
4. Inzozi: iyi ndirimbo ni inzozi twarose zo gutaha iwacu. Uwayiririmbye yarose tuzamuka MUNDE na GAFINDA, arota Byura yatuwe kandi, ndetse anarota abantu bagenda bidegembya mu misozi miremire. ( Iyi ndirimbo ituma umuntu yibuka iwacu rwose0
5. Murenge: Iyi ndirimbo sinzi uko nayibasobanurira, il faut absolument ko Umunyamulenge wese ayitunga. Ivuga uburyo Murenge yari igicumbi cyamahoro, imirambi myiza...Hanyuma ikavuga uburyo ubu ahenshi habaye amatongo, ariko ikarangiza itanga ihumure. Hari umusore ejo wambwiye ko iyi ndirimbo igomba kuzagirwa hymne National y'Abanyamulenge.
6. Izuba rizarasa: Woohhhh ihure gusa gusa, iyi nayo ivuga ukuntu ibi byose bizashira izuba rikarasa abana bakongera gukinira mu BIRARO bakishima, abantu bakongera kubana mu mahoro...
Mubyukuri twumvaga iyi ndirimbo yagera kubantu mbere ya commemoration kugia ngo abantu bazayifashishe. Ariko rero ntituzi ukuntu abantu bazibona.
ICYOTUBASABA : NI UGUSHIGIKIRA IKI GIKORWA: Mubyukuri iki gikorwa cyakozwe nabantu bake, kandi baritanga batanga amafaranga kugira ngo habeho aumoins ikintu twajya dukoresha mu gihe nkiki tugiye kujyamo. Ndetse habeho un document audio ivuga ibyacu. Ariko rero ubushobozi twese tuzi ko ariyo mbogamizi yimigambi yose abantu baba bafite. Iyi CD izajya igura $ 20 US + Shipping where it applies), aha turashaka ko abantu babyitangira kugira ngo ababikoze bazakomeza bakore nkibi. Nta bwoko bungana nubwacu bwobaho muri iki gihe nta ndirimbo, films ndetse nibindi. Iyi ni intangiro kandi nzi neza ko nyuma hazaba ibindi bikomeye.
Personnes de contact:
1. Justin NSENGA
Cell/Mobile: 207-332-4231
e-mail: nsenga80@yahoo. fr
2. Romulus Rushimisha
Cell/Mobile: 207-699-8039
Ndumva abazaba bari Houston TX muri commemoration bashobora kuzazihagurira, ndetse nabandi babyifuza mukaduhamagara cangwe mukatwandikira kugira ngo zibagereho.
Abari muri Africa, twasaba umuntu wumva yadufasha muri distribution ko yatubwira tukazomwohereza.
Ngaho Imana ibafashe kandi mubyukuri izi ndirimbo tuzi ko zizabafasha mu kwibuka abacu twabuze tukibakunze ndetse tukanibuka niwacu.
Pour le groupe:
Justin Nsenga
1. Tubibuke: iyi ndirimbo ivuga ahantu presque hose abantu bacu bagiye bagwa, kuva Bibogobogo, Kalemie, kin, kassai, ....Kugeza kubwicanyi ndengakamera bwa gatumba.
2. Humura: iyi ndirimbo iratanga ihumure. Harimo izina rya NYIRAMITAVU ni izina twahisemo ri symboliser bashikibacu ndetse na ba mama. Turabahumuriza kubwibibazo batewe n'intambara.
3. Intwari z'Iwacu: Iyi ndirimbo iravuga ibigwi by'abana bacu bazize kwitangira ubwoko mubyukuri kudataka abasore bacu, kutabashimira, kutabavuga, byaba ari ukuba indashima. Iyi ndirimbo rero irabashima imisozi bazamutse, abantu babohoje...Bref, iraha icyubahiro abasore bacu nkuko mwese mubazi. Twashatse kugira ngo tuvuge amazina yabo yose, dusanga hari ayo tutabona, so ibi bizaba muri next project, aho tuzasaba buri wese kudufasha mukwibukanya abana bacu b'Intwari twaririmba tugahora tubibuka.
4. Inzozi: iyi ndirimbo ni inzozi twarose zo gutaha iwacu. Uwayiririmbye yarose tuzamuka MUNDE na GAFINDA, arota Byura yatuwe kandi, ndetse anarota abantu bagenda bidegembya mu misozi miremire. ( Iyi ndirimbo ituma umuntu yibuka iwacu rwose0
5. Murenge: Iyi ndirimbo sinzi uko nayibasobanurira, il faut absolument ko Umunyamulenge wese ayitunga. Ivuga uburyo Murenge yari igicumbi cyamahoro, imirambi myiza...Hanyuma ikavuga uburyo ubu ahenshi habaye amatongo, ariko ikarangiza itanga ihumure. Hari umusore ejo wambwiye ko iyi ndirimbo igomba kuzagirwa hymne National y'Abanyamulenge.
6. Izuba rizarasa: Woohhhh ihure gusa gusa, iyi nayo ivuga ukuntu ibi byose bizashira izuba rikarasa abana bakongera gukinira mu BIRARO bakishima, abantu bakongera kubana mu mahoro...
Mubyukuri twumvaga iyi ndirimbo yagera kubantu mbere ya commemoration kugia ngo abantu bazayifashishe. Ariko rero ntituzi ukuntu abantu bazibona.
ICYOTUBASABA : NI UGUSHIGIKIRA IKI GIKORWA: Mubyukuri iki gikorwa cyakozwe nabantu bake, kandi baritanga batanga amafaranga kugira ngo habeho aumoins ikintu twajya dukoresha mu gihe nkiki tugiye kujyamo. Ndetse habeho un document audio ivuga ibyacu. Ariko rero ubushobozi twese tuzi ko ariyo mbogamizi yimigambi yose abantu baba bafite. Iyi CD izajya igura $ 20 US + Shipping where it applies), aha turashaka ko abantu babyitangira kugira ngo ababikoze bazakomeza bakore nkibi. Nta bwoko bungana nubwacu bwobaho muri iki gihe nta ndirimbo, films ndetse nibindi. Iyi ni intangiro kandi nzi neza ko nyuma hazaba ibindi bikomeye.
Personnes de contact:
1. Justin NSENGA
Cell/Mobile: 207-332-4231
e-mail: nsenga80@yahoo. fr
2. Romulus Rushimisha
Cell/Mobile: 207-699-8039
Ndumva abazaba bari Houston TX muri commemoration bashobora kuzazihagurira, ndetse nabandi babyifuza mukaduhamagara cangwe mukatwandikira kugira ngo zibagereho.
Abari muri Africa, twasaba umuntu wumva yadufasha muri distribution ko yatubwira tukazomwohereza.
Ngaho Imana ibafashe kandi mubyukuri izi ndirimbo tuzi ko zizabafasha mu kwibuka abacu twabuze tukibakunze ndetse tukanibuka niwacu.
Pour le groupe:
Justin Nsenga

This is an ongoing petition for justice against AGATHA RWASA, responsible for Gatumba genocide. You can read more about this petition on the sites provided below. Please add this petition and send it to more people.
To: United Nations Security Council
On Friday 13th August 2004, at least 156 civilans were massacred at the Gatumba refugee camp, in Burundi. The victims were burnt, shot and hacked to death with machetes. All were of Tutsi ethnicity.
For more details, see:
The Hutu-extremist group Palipehutu-FNL has claimed responsibility for the Gatumba massacre, one of many that they have carried out against civilians in recent years. We the undersigned urge the United Nations Security Council:
*To condemn the Gatumba massacre in the strongest terms
*To make a firm commitment to investigate the Gatumba massacre as a War Crime, and bring those responsible to justice
*To hold the leadership of Palipehutu-FNL accountable for their campaign of violence against civilians in Burundi.
The Undersigned
To add your signature ( pour ajouter votre signature ) please copy this link to your browser:
Pour lire les noms des signateures go to :
Hashize iminsi itari myinshi twumva amakuru avuga ko ingabo za MaiMai zateye abungeri baba Nyamulenge mu masuhuriro bakabanyaga inka.
Uyumunsi haruwa tugejejeho amakuru yerekeranye nikikibazo ati "Inkuru yunvikanye uyu munsi kuwa 06/08/2008 mu gatando kuri radio R T N C Uvira yavuze ko hari inka 17 zanyazwe n'aba mayi mayi ba Yakotumba bari bavuye ubwari bazisanga i nemba ngo hakaba hari n'izindi 5 abungeri batanze nkámaturo ku ba shefu baba bembe ariko ngo nanone umutekano wínka z'abanyabibogobogo wakomeje kuba muke kuburyo zahunze ubu zikaba zirimo kujya ahitwa Gafurwe,umunyamakuru Bugumba Tanganyika wavuze iyo nkuru yavze ko ya yibwiwe n'umwe muri abo bungeri kuri telefone murumva ko niwacu technologie yatangiye kugerayo hakorwiki rero ngo ababembe bareke gukomeza kuturira inka? dore ko arizo zatubyikije ntitukazireke ngo abandi bazikorere icyo bashaka".
Iyinkuru ijye isanga indi twaritumaze kugezwaho ejobundi numuntu utashatse kuvuga izina rye ati: "Nashaka kukumenyeshako abantu b'iwacu ba suhuye inka ahantu hitwa i Nemba, barimo papa wanjye bagize iminsi barafashwe na maimai,abasirikare ba LETA ngo bari bagiye yo kubatabara ndetse na MONUC ariko nabo ubwabo bakaba barakomeje gukorana imishikirano na maimai kugeza ubu maimai bakaba bamaze kurya inka 17 njye navuganaga buri munsi na muzee w'iwacyu dore ko ariwe wari ari umuyobozi w'abo banyabiraro, akanizeza ko batabica ko ahubwo bakomeza kurya inka ariko ubu bakaba bari munzira bagaruka kubera ubwoba nyine,buri munsi navuganaga na muZEE kuri telephone yiwe ariko umuriro umaze ku bashirana muri za batteries za telephones"
None rero, ikikibazo kigomba kwigwa abantu bakagira icyo bagikoraho. Ikibabaje nukubona ukuntu abiyita abategetsi bava mubwoko bwacyu bicyecyekeye ukagira ngo ntibibareba. Rero, bamwe bizwiko ahubwo barwanira kugira ngo ntihagire abajya gutabara ngo babe barwanya MaiMai dore kwari aba allies babo.
Ariko kandi nitutagira icyo dukora mugihe nkiki sinzi igihe tuzakora cyangwe icyo tuzaba tumariye ubwoko bwacu ninka zacyu zatureze.
Uyumunsi haruwa tugejejeho amakuru yerekeranye nikikibazo ati "Inkuru yunvikanye uyu munsi kuwa 06/08/2008 mu gatando kuri radio R T N C Uvira yavuze ko hari inka 17 zanyazwe n'aba mayi mayi ba Yakotumba bari bavuye ubwari bazisanga i nemba ngo hakaba hari n'izindi 5 abungeri batanze nkámaturo ku ba shefu baba bembe ariko ngo nanone umutekano wínka z'abanyabibogobogo wakomeje kuba muke kuburyo zahunze ubu zikaba zirimo kujya ahitwa Gafurwe,umunyamakuru Bugumba Tanganyika wavuze iyo nkuru yavze ko ya yibwiwe n'umwe muri abo bungeri kuri telefone murumva ko niwacu technologie yatangiye kugerayo hakorwiki rero ngo ababembe bareke gukomeza kuturira inka? dore ko arizo zatubyikije ntitukazireke ngo abandi bazikorere icyo bashaka".
Iyinkuru ijye isanga indi twaritumaze kugezwaho ejobundi numuntu utashatse kuvuga izina rye ati: "Nashaka kukumenyeshako abantu b'iwacu ba suhuye inka ahantu hitwa i Nemba, barimo papa wanjye bagize iminsi barafashwe na maimai,abasirikare ba LETA ngo bari bagiye yo kubatabara ndetse na MONUC ariko nabo ubwabo bakaba barakomeje gukorana imishikirano na maimai kugeza ubu maimai bakaba bamaze kurya inka 17 njye navuganaga buri munsi na muzee w'iwacyu dore ko ariwe wari ari umuyobozi w'abo banyabiraro, akanizeza ko batabica ko ahubwo bakomeza kurya inka ariko ubu bakaba bari munzira bagaruka kubera ubwoba nyine,buri munsi navuganaga na muZEE kuri telephone yiwe ariko umuriro umaze ku bashirana muri za batteries za telephones"
None rero, ikikibazo kigomba kwigwa abantu bakagira icyo bagikoraho. Ikibabaje nukubona ukuntu abiyita abategetsi bava mubwoko bwacyu bicyecyekeye ukagira ngo ntibibareba. Rero, bamwe bizwiko ahubwo barwanira kugira ngo ntihagire abajya gutabara ngo babe barwanya MaiMai dore kwari aba allies babo.
Ariko kandi nitutagira icyo dukora mugihe nkiki sinzi igihe tuzakora cyangwe icyo tuzaba tumariye ubwoko bwacu ninka zacyu zatureze.
August 1st, 2008, Houston, Texas
Houston, Texas, Saturday, August 16th, 2008, 9A.M-6P.M
During the night of August 13, 2004, in a refugee camp in Burundi, Africa called Gatumba, 166 innocents from the Democratic Republic of Congo were mercilessly slaughtered by armed factions. These 166, the 116 others who were maimed and injured, and their traumatized families, were almost exclusively members of the “Banyamulenge” tribe, who had earlier been forced from their homes in the southern Kivu region of the DRC.
But since that horrific night, approximately 600 Gatumba Survivors have been relocated to safety in North America, to communities from Colorado to Maine and from Texas to Canada and Europe, aided by numerous international governmental organizations, nonprofit groups, and countless volunteers.
Several families of Gatumba Survivors are now living in Houston, Texas. On August 16, 2007, at the Multi Ethnic Community Center in Houston (Bissonnet), Texas the Fourth Annual Gatumba Genocide Memorial Gathering will be held. This event, open to the general public, will help the Survivors and their families rekindle old bonds and forge new connections, pay respects to those who were murdered, and continue healing raw emotional wounds. The Survivors, with the majority being devout Christians, will have the chance to hold services and remembrances of those lost in a peaceful and safe location. Sponsorships to support the Survivors memorial stay in Houston, Texas are urgently needed.
On a greater scale, the Survivors will use this event as a platform to pressure the international community to bring these evildoers to justice, to protect the innocent civilians in the eastern part of Congo and the refugee camps in Burundi from the on-going threat of violence. Violence against innocent civilians continues to this day throughout the Congo, a tragedy that must be averted.
The memorial gathering will feature live therapeutic musical performances, inspiring testimonies, and special guest keynote speakers highlighting the Gatumba Genocide and the latest developments in the Great Lakes region of Africa. The gathering presents a plethora of opportunities for people to get involved as a force for change, while providing a chance to meet and interact with the Survivors.
This gathering is being spearheaded by two nonprofit groups here in the U.S. – the Gatumba Refugees Survivors Foundation, Inc., and the Mahoro Association. Other organizations involved include dozens of local churches across North America as well as Multiethnic Community Center (MECC)
Olivier Mandevu
President Gatumba Refugees Survivors Foundation, Inc
Dr. Modeste Kigabo
President Mahoro Association
Descends onto the Multi Ethnic Community Center, 9819 Bissonnet Street, Suite
Houston, Texas, Saturday, August 16th, 2008, 9A.M-6P.M
3:00pm – 3:50pm
Sideriya Nangabire, Relocated to Iowa (Lost Six of Seven Children & Husband)
Rose Mapendo, Relocated to Arizona (Lost Husband)
Philippe Mukwiye, Relocated to Kentucky (Lost Brother and Son)
Theresa Nyamasomo, Relocated to New York (Lost Husband, Two Sons, Daughter)
Irene Mwamikazi, Relocated to Albuquerque, New Mexico (Lost Husband, Two Children)
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Matthew Edmunson, Mapendo International
Dr. Kigabo Mbazumutima, President Mahoro Association, Congo, Africa
Mauro de Lorenzo, American Institute for Research
Olivier Mandevu, President, Gatumba Refugees Survivors Foundation, Congo, Africa
Maria Kadege, Former VP Burundi, Burundi
Reverend Mary Robert, Episcopal Church, Mobile, Alabama
Descends onto the Multi Ethnic Community Center, 9819 Bissonnet Street, Suite
Houston, Texas, Saturday, August 16th, 2008, 9A.M-6P.M
Houston, Texas, Saturday, August 16th, 2008, 9A.M-6P.M
During the night of August 13, 2004, in a refugee camp in Burundi, Africa called Gatumba, 166 innocents from the Democratic Republic of Congo were mercilessly slaughtered by armed factions. These 166, the 116 others who were maimed and injured, and their traumatized families, were almost exclusively members of the “Banyamulenge” tribe, who had earlier been forced from their homes in the southern Kivu region of the DRC.
But since that horrific night, approximately 600 Gatumba Survivors have been relocated to safety in North America, to communities from Colorado to Maine and from Texas to Canada and Europe, aided by numerous international governmental organizations, nonprofit groups, and countless volunteers.
Several families of Gatumba Survivors are now living in Houston, Texas. On August 16, 2007, at the Multi Ethnic Community Center in Houston (Bissonnet), Texas the Fourth Annual Gatumba Genocide Memorial Gathering will be held. This event, open to the general public, will help the Survivors and their families rekindle old bonds and forge new connections, pay respects to those who were murdered, and continue healing raw emotional wounds. The Survivors, with the majority being devout Christians, will have the chance to hold services and remembrances of those lost in a peaceful and safe location. Sponsorships to support the Survivors memorial stay in Houston, Texas are urgently needed.
On a greater scale, the Survivors will use this event as a platform to pressure the international community to bring these evildoers to justice, to protect the innocent civilians in the eastern part of Congo and the refugee camps in Burundi from the on-going threat of violence. Violence against innocent civilians continues to this day throughout the Congo, a tragedy that must be averted.
The memorial gathering will feature live therapeutic musical performances, inspiring testimonies, and special guest keynote speakers highlighting the Gatumba Genocide and the latest developments in the Great Lakes region of Africa. The gathering presents a plethora of opportunities for people to get involved as a force for change, while providing a chance to meet and interact with the Survivors.
This gathering is being spearheaded by two nonprofit groups here in the U.S. – the Gatumba Refugees Survivors Foundation, Inc., and the Mahoro Association. Other organizations involved include dozens of local churches across North America as well as Multiethnic Community Center (MECC)
Olivier Mandevu
President Gatumba Refugees Survivors Foundation, Inc
Dr. Modeste Kigabo
President Mahoro Association
Descends onto the Multi Ethnic Community Center, 9819 Bissonnet Street, Suite
Houston, Texas, Saturday, August 16th, 2008, 9A.M-6P.M
3:00pm – 3:50pm
Sideriya Nangabire, Relocated to Iowa (Lost Six of Seven Children & Husband)
Rose Mapendo, Relocated to Arizona (Lost Husband)
Philippe Mukwiye, Relocated to Kentucky (Lost Brother and Son)
Theresa Nyamasomo, Relocated to New York (Lost Husband, Two Sons, Daughter)
Irene Mwamikazi, Relocated to Albuquerque, New Mexico (Lost Husband, Two Children)
4:00pm – 6:00pm
Matthew Edmunson, Mapendo International
Dr. Kigabo Mbazumutima, President Mahoro Association, Congo, Africa
Mauro de Lorenzo, American Institute for Research
Olivier Mandevu, President, Gatumba Refugees Survivors Foundation, Congo, Africa
Maria Kadege, Former VP Burundi, Burundi
Reverend Mary Robert, Episcopal Church, Mobile, Alabama
Descends onto the Multi Ethnic Community Center, 9819 Bissonnet Street, Suite
Houston, Texas, Saturday, August 16th, 2008, 9A.M-6P.M
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