The Mayi Mayi militia army continues to launch many attacks against villages in the territory of Minembwe in Democratic Republic of Congo, killing civilians, burning villages and stealing cattle.
After 5 days outside their homes, today some people are returning to their villages despite these attacks because they do not have any food assistance.
Since the beginning of these attacks, hundreds of people were displaced and sought refuge in nearby villages and schools, including inhabitants of Kakenge who took refuge in a school of UGEAF (a local NGO), but they have no food or medication.
It is important to recall that these displaced persons within their territory are living in appalling conditions, and in contant fear of further attacks.
The cause of this new attack is not well known except, the rumors according to which Mayi Mayi milicia do not want the presence of so-called joined forces (Rwandan-Congolese forces) recently deployed in Southern Kivu province to track down genocidal Interahamwe known as FDLR, as was the case recently in North Kivu.
Therefore, these Mayi Mayin known to be Interahamwe allies want revenge on the Banyamulenge population for the simple reason of being Tutsis.
It is not by accident that these attacks against the Banyamulenge coincide with the 15th commemoration of the genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda by extremist Hutus in 1994. It seems like it is a signal saying that the ideology of xenophobia against Tutsis continues in the DRC.
However, contrairy to previous attacks, according to new information, a group of soldiers of the Congolese armed forces seem to act in support of the local warriors who try to protect their people and livestock, and this source states that a government soldier called Semuhanuka Gahanuzi, a munyamulenge soldier from Masunzu group was killed on the battlefield.
Needless to mention that since January 1996, the Banyamulenge of South Kivu in Congo, has suffered several attacks sporadically by Mayi Mayi militias.
According to some analysts, this new wave of attack against Banyamulenge, the fear is that the Minembwe population might be attacked from all sides.
One the one hand, they have suffered attacks from Mayi-Mayi militias, and on the other hand, it runs the risk of not only being attacked by bandits coming into the national army, but the genocidaire forces of the FDLR combattant who are still aspiring to exterminate the Tutsi.
The population of Minembwe, left without any protection, is calling the Congolese government, the UN force (MONUC) and the international community to use their influence to put an end to these heneous attacks and provide assistance to this population without any humanitarian assistanc as soon as possible.
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