Friday, April 24, 2009


Le Journal Minembwe vous apporte le "update" de développement de Minembwe en dépit des conflits presque incessant. Ce travail demontre la detérmination et la tenacité de notre Frere Butoto Naum qui n'a pas succumbé au temptation de s'exiler comme nous, suite aux difficultés qu'a connu notre territoire de Minembwe et aller outre-mer comme l'ont fait la plupart de nous. Nous vous félicitons frere Butoto et toute votre équipe et aussi vos partenaires. Je vous présente ci-dessous les photos de l'Ecole Secondaire Modele de Minembwe en plaine construction:

Photo 1. Il s’agit ici une de ces six classes déjà tôlées dans laquelle les élèves, vu les besoins, y suivent les enseignants. Si bien que la faîtière n’est pas encore posée, les travaux du crépissage et autres ne sont pas encore faits, les élèves n’ont pas le choix, ils exploitent déjà les bâtiments de six classes. On peut imaginer qu’ils étudient dans les conditions difficiles car ils sont dépourvus de bien de choses, les bancs pour illustrer comme le montre cette photo.

Photo 2. Cette photo présente le bloc administratif et deux salles de classes. L’emplacement du terrain nous a imposé cette disposition. A l’époque de la prise de photo, les travaux sont ceux de la pose de la toiture sur ce bâtiment. La salle sur laquelle les tôles sont entrain d’être, c’est celle qui abritera le bloc administratif. Les deux salles sans toiture abriteront deux classes.

Photo3. Ici c’est la fondation du dernier bâtiment de quatre classes. Comme vous pouvez le voir, déjà on est à la phase d’élevage de murs. A cote, la maisonnette construite pour le dépôt.

Pour le Journal Minembwe
Muhoza Akim

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Democratique Republic of Congo: Banyamulenge Civilians in danger in the territory of Minembwe

The Mayi Mayi militia army continues to launch many attacks against villages in the territory of Minembwe in Democratic Republic of Congo, killing civilians, burning villages and stealing cattle.
After 5 days outside their homes, today some people are returning to their villages despite these attacks because they do not have any food assistance.
Since the beginning of these attacks, hundreds of people were displaced and sought refuge in nearby villages and schools, including inhabitants of Kakenge who took refuge in a school of UGEAF (a local NGO), but they have no food or medication.

It is important to recall that these displaced persons within their territory are living in appalling conditions, and in contant fear of further attacks.
The cause of this new attack is not well known except, the rumors according to which Mayi Mayi milicia do not want the presence of so-called joined forces (Rwandan-Congolese forces) recently deployed in Southern Kivu province to track down genocidal Interahamwe known as FDLR, as was the case recently in North Kivu.
Therefore, these Mayi Mayin known to be Interahamwe allies want revenge on the Banyamulenge population for the simple reason of being Tutsis.

It is not by accident that these attacks against the Banyamulenge coincide with the 15th commemoration of the genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda by extremist Hutus in 1994. It seems like it is a signal saying that the ideology of xenophobia against Tutsis continues in the DRC.
However, contrairy to previous attacks, according to new information, a group of soldiers of the Congolese armed forces seem to act in support of the local warriors who try to protect their people and livestock, and this source states that a government soldier called Semuhanuka Gahanuzi, a munyamulenge soldier from Masunzu group was killed on the battlefield.

Needless to mention that since January 1996, the Banyamulenge of South Kivu in Congo, has suffered several attacks sporadically by Mayi Mayi militias.
According to some analysts, this new wave of attack against Banyamulenge, the fear is that the Minembwe population might be attacked from all sides.
One the one hand, they have suffered attacks from Mayi-Mayi militias, and on the other hand, it runs the risk of not only being attacked by bandits coming into the national army, but the genocidaire forces of the FDLR combattant who are still aspiring to exterminate the Tutsi.

The population of Minembwe, left without any protection, is calling the Congolese government, the UN force (MONUC) and the international community to use their influence to put an end to these heneous attacks and provide assistance to this population without any humanitarian assistanc as soon as possible.

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Monday, April 6, 2009


Une fois de plus, la milice Mayi Mayi ont attaqué la population de Minembwe sans défense.
Selon les informations en notre disposition, cinq villages ont été attaqués, pillés et détruits et, éventuellement, 5 personnes sont mortes et 10 gravement blessés.
Les suivants sont les villages qui auraient été attaqués par les milices Mayi Mayi: Kakenge, Kalingi, Muriza, Rugezi et Rwitsankuku.
Bien que Minembwe est fortement peuplées par un grand nombre de forces militaires gouvernementale, ils ne sont pas intervenus pour protéger la population civile.
La population civile a eu pour habitude de se défendre.
Un groupe d'hommes connu sous le nom de "abagiriye", une force de défense locale a joué bravement dans la défense de la population.

Il est triste de voir encore une fois une telle attaque coordonnée contre la population banyamulenge par les forces de la milice soutenu par le gouvernement congolais, malgré les efforts déployés par le groupe de militaires banyamulenge de tenter de rejoindre l'armée gouvernementale.

Le Journal Minembwe suit de près cette information.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


According to information in our disposal, His Excellence President Barack Obama, the 44th American President and the first African-American president in USA, will be visiting Africa from April 21 this year.
Rwanda is among the first African countries that Barack Obama will visit this month when he starts his first tour of Africa as US president. There is no doubt that President Obama will first visit Kenya before visiting any other African country to show his homage of his motherland country.
Although an American,Barack Obama is also an African by heritage. His father was a Kenyan who maried an american woman and begot Obama during his stay in USA as an international student. Obama has never lost touch with his African heritage. He had been visiting his grand parents in Kenya before he became the strongest man on the planet.
The African countries expected to be visited by Obama are Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Swaziland, and South Africa.

During his short visit in Rwanda, Obama will no doubt condamn the perpetrators of genocide against Tutsis and the western complicity and their indifference as they watched for 100 days while Tutsis were being slaughtered day by day. The month of April is a crucial and very sensitive period in Rwanda, and Obama will undoubtedly make notice of that tragedy.
However, genocide will not be the only item on discussion table with the Rwandan president Paul Kagame, investment and Rwanda's development are also expected to be on Paul Kagame's agenda.
President Obama knows that Rwanda has proven to be one of the best African countries for not only good governance but also for security, business and good investment climat.

America is well known for its support for Rwanda. However, one might bet that Obama will most probably bring up the question of DRC and Rwanda's role in the ongoing conflict in DRCongo, particularly the issue of general Nkunda. It should not surprise anyone though if Obama commended Rwanda for helping Kabila to dismantle the FDLR Hutus genocidaire forces in Congo.

It remains to be seen if Obama administration will continue supporting Rwanda as did his predecessors. But, all indications seem to confirm that the relationship between those two countries will most probably continue, because under the current Rwandan regime, Rwanda has continued to earn respect of the International community, why not of the United States of America. After all, Obama is an African, why would he not support one of the African countries that has badly and injustly suffered western indifference?

Journal Minembwe